Wood Care Instructions
All of the maple comes from our land, which has been dried with time and made into its current shape. As with all wood products, moisture changes can significantly effect the shape and integrity of the wood. Take care not to subject it to large temperature and humidity changes, as some warping and cracking can occur, although slight warping and checking is natural with seasonal moisture variations. All of the largest cracks and voids were originally filled with epoxy, but they can open up again or new ones can appear in very dry conditions, making it necessary to refill the voids. After any filling and sanding, refinishing with tongue oil will return the piece to perfect condition.
All of the furniture and lamps are designed for indoors. Tongue oil and the wood should not be outside in the sun and rain, as both will eventually destroy the finish and possibly mold the wood.
To add or return the wood to its original luster, wipe on a generous layer of tongue oil and after a few minutes wipe off with a cotton rag until the wood is relatively dry again. You can lightly sand with 320 grit sand paper (or 400 or 600grit) before applying, and between coats of oil. A final sanding after the last coat of oil has dried (about 3 days) with 600 grit or finer paper will make it feel glassy smooth and nice. As more coats are applied, the finish becomes glossier and glossier. Any unwanted gloss can always be removed with a 600 grit paper.